Rain Gardens Are Important

Rain Garden collecting rainwater from a driveway

This is an older image of Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes from the International Space Station. Note the tail of the Space Shuttle.

Rain Garden Network

The Rain Garden Network was started in 2003 with the intention of bringing simple, proven and inexpensive solutions for local stormwater issues to individuals, homeowners, groups, organizations and municipalities.

Building a rain garden (or a couple of rain gardens) in your own yard is probably the easiest and most cost-efficient thing you can do to reduce your contribution to stormwater pollution.

Protecting the limited supply of freshwater on the Earth is the most important task of a rain garden.

Build Your Own Rain Garden - Step-by-Step

Why Rain Gardens are Important

Building a rain garden (or a couple of rain gardens) in your own yard is probably the easiest and most cost-efficient thing you can do to reduce your contribution to stormwater pollution.
1.) By capturing clean rainwater from your roof, driveway and sidewalks and diverting it into a great looking rain garden where it can slowly soak into the ground, filter contaminants and keep quantities of clean water from going down the sewer system you’ll have a great looking garden that puts water in its place.

2. ) A rain garden can mimic the natural absorption and pollutant removal activities of a forest, or a meadow or a prairie and can absorb runoff more efficiently, sometimes as much as 30% – 40% more than a standard lawn.

Rain Garden collecting rainwater from a driveway

3.) Because rain gardens are dug 4″ to 8″ deep, and in some cases 1′ to 2′ deep, they hold large quantities of rainwater, making their overall construction more cost-efficient than other green alternatives. Rain gardens also need less technical experience to install and can be installed without permits or heavy equipment.

4.) Rain gardens are one very good option that helps to lower the impact of impervious surfaces and polluted runoff because they are low-tech, inexpensive, sustainable and aesthetically beautiful.

Build Your Own Rain Garden - Online Course

The Rain Garden Network was started in 2003 with the intention of bringing simple, proven and inexpensive solutions for local stormwater issues to individuals, homeowners, groups, organizations and municipalities.

Rain Garden Network
5147 N. Mulligan Ave.,
Chicago, IL 60630
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.raingardennetwork.com

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